Presentation Guidelines


You have nominated your favorite Central Oregon charity…now what?

When you arrive at the meeting you will given a slip of paper with your name and the name of the non profit you nominated.  That slip will go into a bowl with all the other nominations and we will draw three random slips at the beginning of the meeting.  If your name is drawn you will be asked to stand and give a 5 minute informal presentation about the non profit you that you nominated.  This presentation should be casual and from the heart, but here are some things that you should be prepared to talk about.

** Please Note: There may be multiple nominations for the same organization, but only one presentation may be made per meeting.

You have 5 minutes:

Come Prepared.

Give Your Pitch.

Make It Count

Our members want to make an informed decision about where to cast their vote and will have some good questions for you.  Please make sure that you have done your homework and will be able to answer their questions!


Give a Little Background

Name, location and history of the organization.

Mission and overall scope of services, demographics served.


Describe the Need

Describe the program that you would like funded and provide some background information.

Identify who the funds would impact, and how many will be served by the donation.

Will any of the donation be used for administrative fees or salaries.

Be very clear on what the money will “buy” for the community.


Make it Personal

Tie in your own personal story about why the organization means so much to you.

End with a very heartfelt request.